Do you have Marketing Power?

Does everybody know your name?

Power, time and information are variables that provide intuition to planning your marketing. Before you do anything you gotta have a plan to follow and a successful plan begins with being in tune with these variables.

The variable addressed in Part 1 is the Power variable. Power is a way of getting from one place to another. Power is something we just don’t say out loud that we need or want. We all can easily say we need or want money, but rarely hear someone say they need power. Power should never be “the” goal, but it is a variable that should be payed close attention to when developing your marketing plan, events, etc. . . for your business.

First, let me ask, “Does money come before power?” If someone had asked me that question several years ago my answer would have been yes. I learned from assisting marketing rainmakers that when you have the ability or power to plan, to create, to organize, to rally willing help from others and to successfully implement a plan, everyone will receive financial benefits. We need food to sustain our bodies, and gas for our vehicles to get from point A to point B. Food and gas are objects of power just as money.

When developing your marketing, list your power resources. Friends, place to organize, money, attitude, persistence, and any resource that can be used to produce your plan. Now assess the power resources of your competition. Are they steadfast, have persistent attitudes, and are they on top of the their game? Can your competition beat you to the punch because of better power resources? This is important. If you believe this to be true then it is time to explore, gather or capture other power resources and implement new plans and strategies.

Everyone has power! If you think you can, you are right and if you think you can’t, you are also right. Using your power to move objects like money, food, gas, and business ideas are within our grasp. Tap into your power resources such as:

Power of Attitude
Power of Persistence
Power of Expertise
Power of Commitment
Power of Risk-Taking
Power of Competition
Power of Legitimacy
Power of Investment
Power of Identification
Power of Rewarding or Punishing
Power of Faith

We explored the world of guerrilla marketing because the only resource we had was power. In the beginning was no money. Just the power of dreams and the ability (the power) to bring them to reality.

How do you create a business with no job and no money? Power!

This is my own kkind of Beautiful . . . Dream Your World!

I am LISA LIFE . . . šŸ™‚

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