Entrepreneur . . . Marketing is more than a Financial Investment!

Crow Beautiful Digital Media

I heard the Rooster Crow Beautiful and became a new Creation . . . .


Does everybody know your name?

Marketing is many things to many people. Some believe a flier distribution or direct mail campaign will put them on the map, while others think TV or radio spots are the miracle workers. Marketing is more than the previous mentioned marketing weapons. Marketing is a commitment and definitely an investment. Marketing is not a quick fix to receive instant gratification of sales, it is an investment. We invest in the important things in life, like family, relationships, stocks, bonds and business dreams, so it makes sense to invest in your marketing.

It takes 9 impressions for your marketing to instigate a purchase. A possible wait of 27 weeks (translation: almost seven months) for marketing to payoff literally. Marketing is an investment.

What happens after money, time, and energy is spent after a few months of marketing? Disappointment happens. You begin wondering why the marketing is not working or producing. Let me share something with you. It is working, you just can’t see into the minds of people. Marketing is more than a financial investment it is a relationship builder. What’s on a person’s mind will eventually come out, however I understand you need it to manifest NOW. Entrepreneur, be patient, and wait on it. Your marketing is working . . .

Marketing is gaining share of MIND. Marketing is assisting or helping people make up their MIND. Marketing is an investment. An investment of putting your product and services on people’s mind.

If you have not done so, INVEST and put your business on someone’s mind today and wait on it!


This is my own kind of beautiful . . . Dream Your World!

I am Lisa Henry-Harper . . . Digital Content Producer & Visual Storyteller

Learn more about my marketing coach services and mentor-ship program for entrepreneurs, start-ups and boot-straps. Visit CrowBeautiful.com

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