Who will buy what you sell?


Does everybody know your name?

This will be a short post. Who is your ultimate consumer? It would be wonderful to market to the whole world however, even if you had budget and time, it would not be feasible. Pinpoint exactly who you are aiming for and focus your marketing, advertisements, publicity, and media in that direction and you will have a BUYING audience.

Remember, a buying audience are people who will purchase your product or service! This audience you should not have to barter or cross promote, although I encourage this from time to time.

A paying audience is the backbone of your business. Money is but one aspect, a major aspect, of a successful business. So, who will really buy what you sell?


This is my own kind of beautiful . . . Dream Your World!

I am Lisa Henry-Harper . . . Digital Content Producer & Visual Storyteller

Learn more about my marketing coach services and mentor-ship program for entrepreneurs, start-ups and boot-straps. Visit CrowBeautiful.com

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