Marketing is a verb . . . .

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Does everybody knows your name?

Did you know that marketing is a VERB? The verb is perhaps the most important part of sentences. A verb or compound verb asserts something about the subject of the sentence and express actions, events, or states of being . . . Marketing sounds like a verb to me!

When you market you share all you can about your business, your offerings and your services. You express action through creating marketing, advertisements, and promotions. Without a verb in a sentence, could we understand the statement or question? Marketing is a verb. Marketing connects people with your business. Could we connect our businesses with clients and customers without marketing?

Do you have a business without a verb? Hmmmm . . . . Today is a good day to develop some verbs!

This is my own kind of beautiful . . . Dream Your World!

I am Lisa Henry-Harper . . . Digital Content Producer & Visual Storyteller

Learn more about my marketing coach services and mentor-ship program for entrepreneurs, start-ups and boot-straps. Visit

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