Capture Your Keymaker

Does Everybody Know Your Name?

There must be extreme creativity guerrilla marketing. My favorite movies are the movies of the Matrix trilogy. Guerrilla marketers are constantly looking for the “Keymaker” the strategy that unlocks the minds of the desired target audience. It is a continuous journey of looking for Shangra Lai. Capturing memorable and positive responses from potential clients is the goal. Acquiring the “Keymaker” is the foundation of my role as a web producer and guerrilla marketer.

Adapting to various ways of life, will transform your business. It will enable you to explore new avenues of business success. What are you waiting for? How will you capture your “Keymaker”? As Neo would say, “Time is always against us.”

This is my own kind of Beautiful . . . Dream Your World . . .

I am LISA LIFE . . . 🙂

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