Marketing with Realistic Expectations



Does everybody know your name?

Marketing will be the source of heartache instead of profits if you have unrealistic expectations. Please do not expect your marketing and advertising to be easily created. It takes trial and error to pinpoint what works for you and your business. Please do not expect to find the right marketing venue the first time out of the gate. I have come across many who want guarantees that if they spend money on marketing they will get results next week. Please do not expect marketing or advertising to lead to amazing profits without combining it with many other guerrilla marketing weapons. One strategy cannot stand alone.

The reality is:

– People do not pay much attention to marketing and advertising

– Even if they do pay attention to your AD, they may not need it or cannot afford it

– You have competitors who watch your strategy and duplicate it

– You have competitors who bottom feed and try to fish in your pond

– There are eager, new entrepreneurs working ten times harder to woo clients.

– Sometimes your marketing maybe ignored or not believed

The above are just part of marketing and advertising. They are the peanuts in a Snicker bar.  They come with the territory. When it rains steadily and you rush to your car and get wet, you say it is just water. Well, people have become immune or skeptical to marketing and advertising and say, “It is just an AD!” It is important to expose your offering more than once, twice, or three times to achieve successful marketing results. Anything less than 3x exposure is an unrealistic expectation.

This is my own kind of beautiful . . . Dream Your World!

I am Lisa Henry-Harper . . . Digital Content Producer & Visual Storyteller

Learn more about my marketing coach services and mentor-ship program for entrepreneurs, start-ups and boot-straps. Visit

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