Frequency and Persistence: Marketing on Low Budgets!

Crow Beautiful Digital Media

Does everybody know your name?

What is your marketing plan? Creating successful marketing campaigns have the foundation of Frequency and Persistence built right in.

I cannot stress enough the difference between offering product sales, and marketing. The primary goal of marketing and advertising is to attract clients, customers, and the attention of a particular audience. Marketing brings the horse to water only. Offering product sales and building customer and client relations brings revenue. The catch; is you must attract the attention of potential buyers to present your products, sales offerings and services to.

Good “ole fashion” Frequency and Persistence shakes the bushes, and the more you shake, the more people will present themselves who have a willing mind to hear about your sale offerings or services.

Build frequency into your marketing and your business gains a momentum of confidence. Remember what we are all selling is CONFIDENCE, no matter the business. Build frequency without boredom by delivering your theme and message through various marketing strategies, such as direct mail, community marketing, flyers, and scheduled guerrilla marketing campaigns.

Persistence is my favorite to build into a marketing plan. It is sometimes easy to create ideas and put a plan in writing, however it is putting your plan into action that is the rub. Action is persistence! Persistence is moving your plan or dream from paper to reality. Think of it as giving birth. Some are easy and others are long and complicated.

Understanding the goal of marketing and advertising and understanding the role of sales offerings and sales people is of extreme importance. Marketing and advertising only lead a horse to water and it is your sales offering and your sales people that make them drink.

I encourage small business to be prepared for wearing all hats. Most small business owners wear all hats and it takes investing and developing your managing, marketing, and sales skills to be good at balancing these congruently. In a normal environment, (where your budget is no problem), you could easily hire 3 to 5 employees to manage, market, and sale your product or services. Invest in yourself and develop your skills. Marketing on a low budget requires your skills to be adequate in all areas.

It takes time to build your marketing and to lead a horse to water. Good “ole fashion” Frequency and Persistence are the foundation to be seen and heard by your audience.

This is my own kind of beautiful . . . Dream Your World!

I am Lisa Henry-Harper . . . Digital Content Producer & Visual Storyteller

Learn more about my marketing coach services and mentor-ship program for entrepreneurs, start-ups and boot-straps. Visit

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