Never Halt Your Marketing!

Does everybody know your name?

An IDEAL rule of marketing is NEVER halt your marketing. This is what I have been adamant about for years and have declared it shameful to even think about, however the question is, “How to re-prime your marketing plan?” after you have halted your marketing.

A positive attitude of PRESS and move forward are key. The following, details the challenges to re-prime your halted marketing.

Challenge 1:

Your audience forgets you fast! Without being in the eye of your audience daily, you won’t be remembered. The point of marketing and advertising is for people to know about you and your services.

Challenge 2:

Understanding that you will have missed opportunities because you are not in the game. If you are not playing in the game, there is no opportunity to win.

Challenge 3:

Your competition is picking up YOUR missed opportunities. The competition is creating relationships with potential clients or customers and in this economy establishing those relationships are marketing gold.

Challenge 4:

Starting over. You can’t start a business without marketing and you can’t maintain a business without it. Without marketing there is no business.  Once you stop marketing, time and money already spent to gain share of MIND is wasted and you have lost that share of mind to your competitor. Time to start over or repair broken client relationships.

When developing your marketing plan knowing these basic challenges will help structure your marketing campaign to succeed after you have halted your marketing. There will be many posts sharing how to overcome being out of the eye of your audience, so sign up to receive blog updates.

This is my own kind of beautiful . . . Dream Your World!

I am LISA LIFE . . . 🙂

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